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New: Chatbox Channels Arrive

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New: Chatbox Channels Arrive Empty New: Chatbox Channels Arrive

Post by dad2paisley Tue 15 Dec 2020, 8:57 pm


"Today, we are presenting a new feature eagerly awaited by Forumotion communities: Chatbox Channels, which allow you to organize your forum's Chatbox into different conversation spaces. The channels can be public or organized by groups according to the permissions."

This is so cool. I have started one called. Must Love Dogs which all members can chat in.

Also, if you want your own Private Chatbox, let me know. I can set that up for you.

New: Chatbox Channels Arrive D2pls710

Join date : 2018-12-22
Age : 58
Location : Maryland


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New: Chatbox Channels Arrive Empty Re: New: Chatbox Channels Arrive

Post by greydaddy Sat 13 Mar 2021, 1:00 pm

I noticed thy updated the chat box. Made it easier. Thumbs Up

New: Chatbox Channels Arrive Greyho10

Join date : 2018-12-26
Age : 56

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