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How Fast Greyhounds Run

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How Fast Greyhounds Run Empty How Fast Greyhounds Run

Post by Dick Ciampa Thu 31 Oct 2019, 11:14 am

The technology has been there for quite a while since NASCAR and Indy cars have done this for a number of years. Now a track in Australia has done it.


I don't know what grade these dogs are so maybe some run faster.

The top speed that I noticed was 67 KPH which is about 41.6 MPH. You can really see how much speed the dogs lose in the stretch.
Look how noticeably slower the dogs are in the stretch which we all knew, but never saw it in real time.

As you can see The Meadows, as are most, if not all tracks in Australia, is much more oval than our tracks. The greyhounds don't have as much of a straightaway as our tracks so our dogs probably attain a higher top speed, but our sharper turns means our dogs lose more speed in the turns.
For ever the Aussie's insisted their dogs were faster, but their overall speed in more a product of the shape of their tracks as opposed to their dogs being faster.

I know at PB Super Lee, a very fast dog, was clocked with a radar gun at the first turn at just over 50 MPH.

How Fast Greyhounds Run RVqrK5A

Derby Lane

How Fast Greyhounds Run R7UDDCQ

Palm Beach our track with the sharpest turns.

How Fast Greyhounds Run BI7qlm3

Dick Ciampa

Join date : 2019-10-24

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